Global Music Awards: July 2015 Honorees

Gold Medal Winner
Jean Shy & The Shy Guys
Female Vocalist
United States

Gold Medal Winner - Best of Show
Asia Beauty - Album & Concept

Gold Medal Winner
Winifred Phillips
Dark Ages - Total War Battles Kingdom
Game Music Composer - United States

Gold Medal Winner
Neecia Majolly & The Majolly Project
Emerging Artist - Dark Room - Song

Gold Medal Winner
Alessandra Paonessa
Remembering Heaven - Album & Vocalist

Gold Medal Winner
Vietnamese Ancestral & Western Classical
United States

Gold Medal Winner
Julia Pajot - FAN FAVORITE
Emerging Artist - Film and Pictural Composer
Tempete Ensoleillee - Composition - France
Gold Medal Winner
John Moreland
High on Tulsa Heat - Album
United States
Gold Medal Winner
Clara Yang
Emerging Artist - Solo Classical Piano
United States
Silver Medal Winners - Outstanding Achievement
Alan Hewitt, Evolution, album and instrumentalist
Chai-lun Yueh, Some Enchanted Evening, male vocalist
Debra Gussin, This Is Our Time, lyrics
Giovanni Rotondo (Italy), Orphans & Kingdoms, original soundtrack film
Joe Kidd and Sheila Burke, Soldiers in the Army of Mercy and Peace, folk and protest music
Johnny Summers (Canada), Piano Sessions Volume 2: Johnny Summers & Tommy Banks, album, new release and male vocalist
FAN FAVORITE - José Manuel Quintana Cámara (Spain), The Essence of Life, contemporary classical and composition/composer
Julia Pajot (France), Sons Lancinants (Throbbing sounds), composition; Tempete Ensoleillee, concept; and Sextet 2, composition
Kenyon Carter, Game On, smooth jazz and instrumentalist
Kevin Lucas, Echoes in the Sand, album; Little Man, music video; and Oceans Rising, live performance
Laura Larson, Jinju, instrumental performance solo and album
Manel Gil-Inglada (Spain), La Muerte Dormida (Sleeping Death), original score
Michael Gordon, Frenzy, composition/opening credits for film soundtrack
Min Reid, Silver Girl, music video and lyrics/songwriting (J.R. Richards & Stacey Fergusson)
Nathalia Palis, Dream a Little, children’s music
Philip Jenkins (United Kingdom), In Pieces, song
Robert McCormick, Between Rock and a Hard Place, album and classical crossover
Ron Korb (Canada), Blue Bamboo, instrumental performance solo
Ruth Weber - The San Diego Jewish Men's Choir, Kochi, album and Jewish music
Shaun Chasin, Hektor, orchestral composition and game music
Stefano Sacchi, My Whole Life, composition LINK
Sure Fire Soul Ensemble, The Sure Fire Soul Ensemble, album LINK
Taras Groves & Adam Dada (Canada), The Professional, original score/soundtrack film (Adam Dada, composer & Taras Groves, director
Toby Oft, First Look, trombone/piano instrumental album
Bronze Medal Winners - Finalists
Alessandro Paolinelli (Italy), Golden Leaves, music video
Alexis Grapsas, Land Of Leopold, original score
Brian Watson & David Smart (United Kingdom), We Do Nothing, protest music and lyrics/songwriter (Brian Watson, lyrics & David Smart, composer)
FAN FAVORITE - Dyaa Alshikh (Syrian Arab Republic), 4 Whispers, music video
Fermín Cimadevilla (Spain), Don't, music video
Goblin Mikkanen (Sweden), Requiem, experimental
FAN FAVORITE - Johanna Toth (Sweden), Shadows of the Sun, song LINK
Kevin Sherwood, Desdemona, lyrics/songwriter
FAN FAVORITE - Lure of the Animal, progressive rock
Mark Jason Welch, GOTF (Get Off The Floor), music video
Michelle Brezinski (Canada), Madness, original score/sound track movie & television (Josh Cruddas, Murray Yates & Sarah Ann Chisholm)
Mijbil Al Durwaza, Pokey, music video
Nick Dukas, One and Forever Love and Mr. Moon (Take it Away), male vocalist
Santiago Trigueros Salgado (Spain), Donde los Sueños Nacen, classical contemporary
Sonya Lea, Every Beautiful Thing, original film soundtrack
Stefan Kliszynski (United Kingdom), A Song About a Dream, music video
Svetlana Koseniv (Canada), I Wish You Love, original score/sound track film & television
T. J. Walker, Another Life, protest music
Tanzeal Rahim (Australia), Low, music video
Tetu Shani, Round and Round, new release