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News About Global Music Awards Winners

Note from Bronze Medal Winner Marc LeGrand about his New Band's Single (19 September 2024)


This is the debut single of my new band/project known as Food Court People. My wife and I produced it. We performed all instruments on it, did all the sound designing, and mixed it in New York, NY. Mastered by Los Angeles-based producer Kaleb D. Waterman. Please listen here: LINK



Note from Amanda Abizaid about her New Album Release (30 August 2024)


Dangerous and Young, English, Arabic & Bilingual Remix EP is a compilation album of various mixes of the same song. The songwriting goes back in time to when I lived in Lebanon as a child. The story started with finding lyrics I had written years ago, expressing my healing process of living in war, traveling back and forth from Lebanon to the United States. For a long time, I’ve been wanting to write and record songs expressing all of me, American and Lebanese. Now I’m excited to share the beginning of this journey. This compilation of remixes takes you on a musical ride no matter your language, instrumental or musical preference. "Khatiran & Shabban" merges the two genres of East and West together in song to bring our cultures together through our universal language of music. Collaborations with Lindsay Gillis, Farshid Delshad, Dave Daddario and Mohannad Nasser bring to light the many ways a song can be expressed. "Khatiran & Shabban" has been submitted for the years Grammy's. LINK



Note about the Global Music Awards Website (27 August 2024)


We are currently in the process of changing web providers. This change was unexpected and some pages will be temporarily missing from the website. We are working to get all pages and content online as quickly as possible. For any questions, please contact our email. Thank you for your patience.



Tragic Update to Heretic Award Winner Toomaj Salehi's Incarceration (26 April 2024)


Toomaj Salehi is our most recent heretic award winner, and is currently imprisoned in Iran for his musical contributions to the Mahsa Amini protests. While incarcerated in January 2024, the government brought new charges against Salehi, including the "corruption on earth" charge he was initially cleared of. He was condemned to the harshest punishment possible, a death sentence. His lawyers seek to appeal the ruling. For more information:



Sophie Tassignon's Gold Medal Winning Album KHYAL Now Available on BandCamp (5 April 2024)


We are pleased to let you know that Sophie Tassignon's fantastic album KHYAL is now available on Vinyl, CD, and digitally on Bandcamp's platform. KHYAL features a synthesis of jazz and traditional Arabic music, inspired by Tassignon's friendships with Syrian refugees in Berlin. Please support Tassignon and her excellent work here: LINK



Global Music Award's presents a new interview with Gold Medal Winner Robin Spielberg (17 January 2024)


Please enjoy our newest interview with Robin Spielberg, a prolific and talented musician and composer. In this profile, we discuss not only the concepts behind her new work, 'By the Way of the Wind', but also the new way she has discovered to connect with her audience in the virtual age. You can find the interview here: LINK



Note from Karen Bentley Pollick on her Silver Award winning album (21 Febuary 2022)


Our album is the culmination of two decades of collaboration between Swedish composer Ole Saxe and violinist & violist Karen Bentley Pollick from California. After meeting in Denmark in 1998 at a concert at the Martinus Center in Klint, Ole was inspired to write Salsa for Karen for solo violin that evolved into six dances comprising Dance Suite for solo violin, premiered in San Francisco in December 2000 and recorded in October 2001 on the album Dancing Suite to Suite at Skywalker Studios.The orchestral version was premiered in Palo Alto in April 2002 by Karen and Redwood Symphony Orchestra directed by Eric Kujawsky with support from the Community Foundation Silicon Valley and philanthropist Kathryn Gould.


Ole (composer) writes:


The musical style that permeates the last piece: My Manchu Princess mirrors this East-West love story as well as the rich heritage of the culture and wisdom of China. The title is a sincere appreciation of the vast cultural gifts and experiences I received during my trips to Shenyang, the hometown of my Princess.


The initial inspiration for the music was a little love song, written on an airplane en route to our first vacation on the Canary Islands. That melody now forms the theme at the end of the second movement. The musical idea is an East-West communion, where the pentatonic scale is blended with western counterpoint and harmonies, and the violin part is especially designed for the wonderful skills and expression of Karen, who contributed with technical advice and feedback as the work evolved from our first sight reading session at my home studio in Siljansnas while she was performing and filming my Human Rights Suite in April 2015.


Honoured by the silver medal we hope our music will spark joy and energies for a brighter future to come! 


Ole and Karen



Global Music Awards commits to Sustainability (01 December 2021)


Over the past months, Global Music Awards has been working diligently to make our business as environmentally friendly as possible. This includes digitizing old files, minimizing our printing, and finding Eco-conscious providers for third-party services.


The present is always the best time to take action, especially with daunting news from most recent United Nations Climate Conference, hence we see it necessary to accomplish these goals as soon as possible.


For entrants, very little will change. The majority of alterations are internal policies or will deal with how we process and organize entry files.


The only change entrants will see is that we will no longer be sending notification letters by mail via the U.S. postal service. Entrants will now be notified by email. Not only does this serve the environment, but it will also allow us to notify you of your results faster and with greater reliability for our international entrants.


If an entrant can not reliably receive email or has other outlying reasons, we will send out letters by request.


For any questions about this change, please reach out to our email:



Check out Global Awards honoree Stephen Duros'  new single (10 March 2021)


The single covers some new territory for Duros as it blends acoustic and electric guitars with more of a downbeat feel and a 'pop' arrangement. LINK



New album by Gold Medal honoree Jan Michael Looking Wolf Reibach (14 March 2021)


Independent tribal media, Smok Signelz released the following article by Editor Dean Rhodes honoring the new album, Earth Tribe.


Tribal member Jan Michael Looking Wolf Reibach recorded his 26th album “Earth Tribe” in January, finally attaining a goal that he started pursuing on his previous release Beautiful.


“After a long and beautiful journey with the Native American flute, this music is my tribute to the art of the solo flute,” he says in promotional material for “Earth Tribe.” “These songs all share a story of healing, love and the connecting that we all share on Mother Earth.”


The 12 song titles harmonize with the contemplative, meditative and delicate harmonies that receive the barest of musical accompaniment. A few compositions are complemented by chants, Tribal drums and rattles, and the sound of rain, howling wolves and the ocean, but for the most part it is Reibach and his flute.


Song titles are imbued with the album’s reflective, calming vibe: Walk in Beauty, Sacred Rain, Spirit Elk and Seas of Meditation, to name a few.


For a musician who has interwoven the Native American flute with myriad musical genres, such as rock, blues and jazz, Earth Tribe is a return to letting the instrument tell a melodious story.


“The musical style combines Indigenous embellishments and Indigenous technique with very contemporary flute playing,” Reibach says. “It’s more Tribally based.”


Reibach says Earth Tribe is the release he was trying to accomplish with 2017’s Beautiful, but the death of his mother, Diane, prompted him to rush that project and also affected him emotionally.


“When I did Beautiful, I lost some of that,” he says. “I had a hard time connecting. … I went into the studio and I didn’t finish the album like I wanted to, and it has haunted me. It didn’t end up what I wanted to do.


“With my older albums, when I made a flute album, I tried to make a variety album. I really tried to cover all these different styles and feelings in one album. What I’ve done with ‘Earth Tribe’ is I tried to connect this new style. … Instead of it being this epic variety album, it’s an album that takes you to a feeling and it keeps you there. When you’re done, you understand that every song is connected.”


Reibach, 54, started playing Native American flute on the Grand Ronde Reservation. In more than two decades, he has released 25 other albums that have incorporated Native American flute across a variety of musical genres, but always with a healing message of unity for all people.


Reibach has won six Native American Music Awards, including the highest honor for Artist of the Year; six Global Music Awards, including the Odyssey Award for Lifetime Achievement in Music; an Indigenous Music Award; and received the Oregon Peace Star Award from Oregonians for Peace. He also is a Hall of Fame inductee at One World Music Radio, the No. 1 radio station in Europe that plays instrumental music.


In 2018, he wrote and recorded Special Place to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Oregon State University, where he teaches Native American flute in the College of Liberal Arts and facilitates an annual Native American flute circle that holds the world record for most players.


Earth Tribe is available for $15 at and on iTunes and other music platforms.


“What’s really awesome is that this album sold double the release sales of anything I have ever done in digital distribution,” he says.


Reibach adds that he already has eight other songs written and that he is planning a trio of releases with the same vibe. The next release will be called Tribal Harmony.


“The purpose is to make sure that the flute sings the stories that it needs to sing,” he says.


Reibach lives in Salem with his wife, Rhonda, and also teaches the Native American flute at local workshops. He works for the Grand Ronde Tribe as the Lands Department manager.



Thoughtful note from Silver Medal honoree Dave Schlossberg (18 January 2021)


My heartfelt gratitude and appreciation go to the Global Music Awards for honoring my Orchestral Suite, A Place Beyond Words, and my song Life Behind The Wheel, with their Silver Medal for Outstanding Achievement! This organization is very passionate about their mission of giving new artists like myself exposure and networking opportunities. Global Music Awards really "walks the walk" and works hard to provide a legitimate, fair, and high-level experience for all those who are inspired to create beautiful songs in any genre. I am proud to be part of this family--it is wonderful to see an organization that cares so much about musicians and works toward furthering the power of music for years to come. LINK



Kind note from Silver Medal honoree Branka Parlić (14 January 2021)


I feel grateful for the Silver Medal I have received for my vinyl (album) Inities 2017. I'm really honored that my work has been awarded. It is very significant that the Global Music Award exists as it is a great opportunity for us who perform Contemporary and New Music to be more visible. I had hundreds of compliments and congratulations on fb, by now. Also, I am doing interviews with numerous radio stations and press media here in Serbia. I am sure that it will encourage young musicians to be more active in dealing with Contemporary and New Music. I feel this recognition of my interpretation by the Global Music Awards is absolutely a prestigious honour. Thank you!



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